Monday, May 9, 2011

It's been a while

Followers and whoever else reads this here blog,

How are all of you?? ME?? Well life has been super duper busy and I have not really been thinking about trying to lose weight. In fact I have gained once again. I have felt like it isn't worth the frustration to keep trying, however I know that if I do not get in gear and try and lose weight that I could have some very big medical problems. I want to be around for my family and see my kids grow up.

I think this is one of the many reasons that I am having such a hard time with turning thirty years old this year. I really want to do well and yet I feel that these last 10 years have really aged me. 30! I mean seriously! I am not ready for this. I am not ready to admit defeat, and to find myself trying to lose weight for so long. I want to do it. I do.

I got myself here, it is just trying to find the strength and faith to actually succeed. I never really had to try much growing up, so when a medical issue found me gaining a LOT of weight, I didn't really know how to handle it. So I ate. I ate and made it worse. I am an emotional eater. I can't help myself. I don't know how to use food to stay alive instead of using it to drown my sadness and frustrations.

So that felt good. I finally was able to tell the world that I have a problem...the first step is admitting right?? I really hope so!

Wish me luck!


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